The online version of the magazine Architecture Digest has chosen the Holocaust memorial of Budapest as the second most important public sculpture on a list of 13.
Check the list here.
Find the story of the shoes here.
Hungarian Jewish Travel Site
70 year ago on this day the beautiful Liberty bridge of Budapest was distroyed by the army of Hitler to stop the crossing of the Allies on the Danube.
This is what the bridge looked before the war (pictures from photo gallery of Fortepan):
After the war:
And today…
This year Budapest commemorates the 70th year of the formation of its ghetto.
Péter Sugár and the Szövetség ’39 Group’s installation makes you stop for a moment and think about those dark times.
On the steel wall the text appears in Hungarian, English and Hebrew to bring the story of life and death, the cronicle of the holocaust and the revival of Jewish life in the neighbourhood closer to everyone.
On the map imprinted into the concrete the ghetto’s street structure can be seen, marking on it some of the important institutions of the area. If one goes closer pictures from the past can be seen through the peek holes, carrying the today’s passer-by into the gone-by past.
May 16-19. Hungexpo. Website here.
A new photography exhibition gets underway in Prague that takes a novel approach to one of the thornier subjects in modern Czech history: the massacres that took place during the expulsion of millions Germans at the end of WW2. Photographer Lukáš Houdek has reconstructed some of those actual events – using Barbie and Ken dolls.
Read the article here.
68 years ago the on January 27, 1945 the Auschwitz–Birkenau death camp was eliberated.
Here you find some stories of survivors, commemorations around the world:
President of Hungary, János Áder addresses a letter to the Jewish Community, saying that the act of commemorating the victims of the death camps meant recognizing that ‘any of us could have been among the innocent victims.’
Find the letter here.
Laló – documentary by István Jávor about a Jewish man who survived Auschwitz. Learn about old Marosvásárhely (today Targu Mures in Romania), where he is from; about the fate of Transylvanian Hungarian Jews; about the war and the Holocaust through this man’s eyes. In Hungarian, no subtitles.
Laló is Lajos Erdélyi, famous photographer from Marosvásárhely. His memoires have been published in a book also, introduced to the public on January 31 at 6pm in the Balint House (Budapest, Révay street 16.).
The event on FB here.
Fragment from the book here.
How the Japanese Minoru Koide saw Budapest last year.. Video was made using almost 5000 photos 🙂
We are crazy about the pre-WW2 Budapest. No wonder, almost 70% of it was destroyed between 1944-45. So come back often for more videos.
Before WW2…
In this one we see a dangerous checking of the Chain bridge in Budapest, with the Royal Palace in the background. May 1914.
And after WW2…
The reconstruction of the Chain bridge. November 1948.
The reconstruction of the Chain bridge. March 1949. See the famous lions get back to life 🙂