This is the best known landmark of Budapest, the Chain bridge. In the background we see Buda’s Castle Hill. The picture was taken in a very special moment of the Budapest evenings, the first few seconds of the illumination that was just turned on and the color of the lights is green! After this it becomes yellow.
Budapest life
Cute dogs on their morning walk in front of the Hungarian Parliament (not visible in the picture :-), but this is the corner at the Parliament Cafe). Which way now?
old-new Budapest 2
old-new Budapest 1
lamp on a house in Kazinczy street
When you walk the streets of Budapest, don’t forget lo look up. Every brick tells a story. This picture was taken in district 7, commonly called the Jewish quarter, official name: Elisabeth’s town, named after Sissy. Some of its buildings have been destroyed to have space for modern apartment houses. Due to the hard work and perseverance of civil groups like Ovas some facades will be saved.
Buda & Pest
Celebration day of BUDA and PEST becoming one.